
by Delree Dumont | Wâpiski Kihéw Esquao - White Eagle Woman

Gallery One
September 15
- October 9, 2022

Delree Dumont (Wâpiski Kihéw Esquao – White Eagle Woman) is an internationally recognized Cree artist from British Columbia who’s recent works feature pointillism, beadwork, leatherwork and occasionally smudge fans. This brand new exhibition celebrates the special connection Indigenous people have with the land by honouring mother earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the 7 sacred teachings.

I’m a proud member of Onion Lake Cree Nation and have been a full time artist since 2014. I am passionate about creating meaningful art, teaching and providing experiences that awaken and inspire our spirit!”

– Delree Dumont | Wâpiski Kihéw Esquao

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